Correct crooked teeth with Invisalign splint

Invisalign: The invisible solution for misaligned teeth

Invisalign is an innovative way to correct misaligned teeth. With transparent braces that are barely visible, we can help you achieve a beautiful and straight smile. Make an appointment today at the Invisalign Center Vienna and learn more about the benefits of this modern treatment method.

Different types of misaligned teeth

Invisalign can treat a variety of misalignments, including overbite, underbite, crossbite, open bite, gaps between teeth, and more.

Treatment tailored to your individual needs

Our experienced doctors tailor Invisalign treatment to meet your individual needs to achieve optimal results.

Comfortable and discreet

The Invisalign transparent braces are comfortable to wear and barely visible, so you can fully enjoy your everyday life.

Treatment of gaps, crossbites and open bites with Invisalign


When there is additional space between two or more teeth, this is known as a gap or gaps between the teeth.


When your mouth is closed, when some of your upper teeth are behind your lower teeth instead of in front of them, it's called a crossbite.


An open bite is when the upper and lower front teeth do not touch each other when closing the mouth.

Treatment of constriction, overbite and underbite with Invisalign


If there is not enough space in the jaw for all teeth, they can wedge, twist, or tilt forward or backward.


An overbite occurs when the upper front teeth extend too far beyond the lower front teeth. The majority of people have at least a slight overbite..


An underbite occurs when the lower front teeth are in front of the upper front teeth when the mouth is closed. Often the real reason is a lower jaw that extends too far forward.

Crooked teeth? We're helping!

Correct your teeth discreetly with transparent braces at Invisalign Center Vienna.

Praxis Smile4Life Wien - Advanced Dental Aesthetics: Veneers, Lumineers, Invisalign, Implantate

Here are some examples of dental misalignments from our range of treatments, which we successfully treat with braces and Invisalign dental splints at the Invisalign Center Vienna. If you suffer from another malposition, do not hesitate to make an appointment with us! We always find a solution to your problem!

Invisalign braces are a popular choice for adults and adolescents in Vienna who are looking for a removable and transparent alternative to traditional braces. Thanks to its wide range of treatments, Invisalign braces offer an effective solution for various misaligned teeth, which can also be worn inconspicuously.

The uses of Invisalign braces are varied. It can be used for various misaligned teeth such as overbites, underbites, narrowness or tooth spacing. The braces are individually adjusted and consist of transparent plastic splints, which are changed regularly to gradually bring the teeth into the desired position.

Thanks to their removability, Invisalign braces allow easy tooth cleaning and easy oral hygiene. In addition, the rails can be removed for eating and drinking, which increases everyday comfort.

Overall, Invisalign braces offer a modern and effective solution for adult and adolescent patients in Vienna who are looking for an inconspicuous and comfortable treatment method for their misaligned teeth.

Unsichtbare Invisalign Zahnspange für Erwachsene, Kinder und Jugendliche in Wien
Straight teeth with Invisalign braces in Vienna

Invisalign: The modern solution for straight teeth

With Invisalign, you can have your teeth corrected in an unobtrusive and effective way. At Invisalign Center Vienna, we offer transparent braces that give you a radiant smile without the restrictions of traditional braces.


Here are answers to frequently asked questions about Invisalign treatment.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign uses transparent plastic splints to gently move teeth into the desired position.

How long does the treatment take?

The duration of treatment depends on the individual situation, but it usually takes about 12 to 18 months.

Is Invisalign painful?

Invisalign may cause mild symptoms at the start of treatment, but these usually subside quickly.

Can Invisalign also be used for complex cases?

Yes, Invisalign can also be used for complex misaligned teeth. Your Invisalign provider will be able to tell you if it's right for your case.

How often do I have to change the rails?

The splints should be changed every one to two weeks to achieve the desired treatment effect.

Can I also wear Invisalign at night?

Yes, Invisalign can also be worn at night to speed up the treatment process.

How do I care for Invisalign splints?

The splints can be cleaned with a toothbrush and water. Do not use toothpaste as it may damage the splints.

Are there any side effects to Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign may cause mild symptoms such as tenderness temporarily, but these usually subside quickly.

How much does Invisalign treatment cost?

The costs of Invisalign treatment vary depending on the individual case. Your Invisalign provider can give you an accurate cost estimate.

Can I eat anything during Invisalign treatment?

Yes, as the splints are removable, you can eat anything during the Invisalign treatment.

Any more questions?

Please contact us for more information We're here to help!

With precise planning and care, using the latest technology, we achieve the desired success.


Make an appointment with us — conveniently and flexibly online

Make an appointment today for an Invisalign consultation and learn more about the convenient and unobtrusive method of tooth adjustment for adults and adolescents.

In an in-depth consultation, we focus on individual problems and complaints. By asking specific questions, we can gain important insights into the problem and possible treatments right from the start of the conversation.

Praxis Smile4Life Wien - Advanced Dental Aesthetics: Veneers, Lumineers, Invisalign, Implantate, Botox